1/100 scale HDM-04 “GARBALDY” or “GARIBALDI, 2007

This design borns in 2007 as my personal version of a sort of Zion unit of Gundam Universe. It started as a modification of a 1/100 scale Goblin (see in “Pubblication” section if you like to see this model), then I’ve decided to create almost everything from scratch. Creation of the master lasted almost 5 months of hard […]
1/35 scale HDM-07 “BRIEGEL I” (painted)

1/35 scale HDM-07 “BRIEGEL I” (painted), 2005 This one is first version i’ve painted in 2007 and appears on several magazines all over the Worls, like Fantasy Art Magazine, HobbyWorld, ModelTime, Art du Modélisme, etc.. (se “pubblications” section if you like to see more. I’ve painted it with “hairspray & salt” technique, airbrush and oil washes. If you […]
1/144 scale “BOWER”

The “Bower” model born in a weird way. In 2002 my friend Paolo Parente was Art Director of great Rackham (France) and was involved in a Sci-Fi table game and asked some Front Mission-style designs to me. Bower was the result of this collaboration, even if unfortunately it never came out. After some year, in 2006 […]